Monday, April 16, 2007

Health is the largest wealth

From Newsweek-- Health
Artilcle title: Rise assessment

Health is the largest wealth

Nowadays, health issues have become one of the main problems in human society. Most of the people, no matter the rich or poor, are all bothered by different kinds of disease and health problems. Cancer, leukemia, kidney disease, diabetes, these diseases invades our body and attempt to occupy our happiness of health. We can say, our human beings are facing a big war against “devil of disease”.

Since human civilization has been established, human beings have been fighting with disease all the time. As our technologies develop rapidly, people have invented all different kinds of “weapons” to defend the attack by disease. For example, recently, a simple new blood test has been invented to help to predict whether a patient has predisposition for diabetes. “Researchers have discovered several genes that also influence risk, including one on chromosome 10 that regulates how much insulin the body produces”(from the article).
In this way, a patient can predict his future risk of diabetes. However, some scientists claim that it can also cause some social problems like human right. For example, if you don’t have the bad genes, it doesn’t mean that you have no risk of having diabetes. Besides it can also cause social discrimination if one is proved that he or she has the risk.

Therefore, we can say, “new hope, new worry”. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, the best way of defending the disease is exercise. For example, in the modern world, many fat people worry about high cholesterols for it can cause heart disease. However, the risk of having heart disease is affected by two factors. One is HDL, the other is LDL. HDL means the cholesterols you obtain while LDL means how much exercise you do. Some scientists say that even though your HDL is high, if your LDL is also high and these two are balanced, you are still health and have no risk of having heart disease. These examples tell us exercise is the best weapon to best the “devil of disease”.
There is a famous old story in ancient China. One day, a young man went to a wooden bridge and wanted to commit suicide. He met a old man and complained about his thorny life. He told the old man that he failed the Imperial civil service examination test (a very important test in ancient China for those who want to become an official) and his wife abandoned him. He opened a shop and also bankrupted. He has no money and was ridiculed by his friends. He complained about his unfair life and wanted to commit suicide. The old man smiled and said: “Young man, don’t be upset, if you give me your two eyes, I can give you 1 million kg gold; if you give me your two legs and two arms, I can give you 1 billion kg gold. Do you agree, young man?” “No, I won’t sell my health, it’s more expensive that any other thing in the world.” The old man smiled again and said “That’s right, young man; health is your largest wealth!”
The story told us that health is the biggest treasure in our life.

Nowadays, most of the governments put a lot of effects to keep its people healthy. For example, in China, the medical cost is rather expensive. To help the poverty to get cheap treatment, the government carried out a policy that the poverties can get normal treatment in the big hospitals in the city and only need to pay 1 to 5 Singapore dollars. The government will pay the rest of the fees. Therefore, the health of the poverties can be protected. It’s a big progress for Chinese government to help the poverties to become rich.
In conclusion, health is the largest wealth in our life. It is the foundation of the success. Therefore, let's get together, to declare war to the disease!!!

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