Tuesday, April 17, 2007

NO GUN!!!!!

From Economist.com 16/04/2007
Murder at school
From BBC.com 17/04/2007
Anger over US shooting warnings

No gun!!!!

ON MONDAY April 16th, a gunman killed as many as 32 people at Virginia Tech University, in Blacksburg, Virginia. It is the deadliest university shooting in American history.
At around 7.15 in the morning, the man entered a student dormitory and shot several people, killing at least one. Two hours later, the gunman at large killed another 31 teachers and students at engineering building that filled with classrooms. This massacre shocked the whole world. A student in Virginia Tech University said that the university had blood on their hands because of their lack of action after the first incident." Besides, many people also "pointed their fingers at the country's lax gun laws. "
The report said Virginia State has the laxest laws in restricting the gun trade in America. After this campus massacre, I think the American government should adjust its gun laws and in my opinion, guns should be banned by law forever.

Gun is a symbol of violence which breaks the social security and regulations. It is usually abused when people lost their control and rations, some men even shot their wives and children when they were drunk. That caused large amounts of tragedies which should have been avoided by some actions. Although gun does have some other useful properties in our life like sefe-defence, it is always a potential uncertain elements. It is like a an arsenal which can explore any time. Therefore, as a highly-civilized democratic country, American government has the obligation to ban or restrict the gun trade to ensure the social security, so as to offer a safe, peaceful and harmonious environment for American people. It's a pity that after this massacre, American government still doesn'y have a firm stance of banning the gun trade.
One of my Vietnamese friends who had been in America for 4 years told me that to prevent school murder, students from high schools and primary schools must have gun check every day!! Those innocent children are forced to walk through a strange machine to prove that they are not potential murders! How ridiculous it is ! As a result, children's innocent soul will be distorted and they will lose their passion and trust to school. We are very reluctant to see that this is what is happening in American schools, which should be the most peaceful and saftest place in a country.

The proliferation of private weapons especially guns has terrible influence on American society. First, lax gun laws cause much social unrest in America. It hinders the sustainable development of America. Keeping private guns mobilizes people's desire to use violence. As a result, when a persons recieves unjustifiable treatmeats and can not solve it through proper means, they certainly incline to use violence. This will result in innumberable tragedies even among family members. Besides, lax gun laws also give the criminals opportunities to commit crimes and will increase the difficulties for American government to defeat terrorism.
Secondly, if this kind of school murder happens on end, the students will lost their trust to the school and government, thus they will live in fears and worries every second and surely can not put their whole effects on acadamic study. Futher more, students from all over the world will also lose their interests and passions to America since even their security can not be guaranteed. As a result, the education of America will be affected seriously and America will loss its competitiveness of attracting the foreign talents in the world.
Thirdly, the government will loss its prestige and its citizens'support. We can imagine, if one loss his freedom from fear and his safety can not be guaranteed, how can he believe the government and serve for the country? Therefore, the gun trade in America should be banned and new policies should be carried out soon to ensure the security of campus.
The university should also be responsible for this massacre. It didn't give any warning or information to the school after the first murder. This resulted in the second tragedy two hours later. After this accident, I think American schools should wake up, take action to hammer out a valiable school security system, so as to offer students a truly peaceful compus.
Friends, brothers, campus is a paradise of studying and communication. Let's say no to school murder. Let's all get together, to beat terrorism, to keep our beautiful paradise away from fear and massacre!

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